Anahuac Municipal Development District
Cradle of Texas Independence - Turtle Bayou Resolutions

Located on the outside office building wall of JP Randy VanDeventer near the Chambers County Court House.
Provided by AMDD to highlight Anahuac’s importance in the fight for Texas Independence.
About Us
On May 19, 2008 , the citizens of Anahuac voted on Proposition 1 forming the Anahuac Municipal Development District (AMDD) and thereby levying a one-half cent sales tax to fund the organization. The AMDD was created for the purpose of advancing Anahuac through development of economic tourism and supporting, promoting and aiding projects in any way possible for the growth of the city allowed by Government Code 377.00. AMDD is managed by a board of 5 directors appointed by the City Council of Anahuac for 2 year terms. The directors are Kenneth Miller - Chairman, Michael Morehead - Vice-Chairman, Sean Perry - Secretary/Treasurer, Janice Jircik - Member, Monica Rodriguez - Member and Annette Abernathy - Office Administrator. AMDD meets every third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at the AMDD board room located at 509 Washington, Anahuac, Texas (Sandlin Bldg). For more information or to receive an agenda, call Annette Abernathy at 409-267-1101 or go to our contact page for email requests.